Please make sure that you consult with one of our representatives before you buy meters. The description below refers to electricity meters and is only a guideline to understanding your choices in meter types.
The Standard Integrated Keypad Meter
Standard Integrated Keypad Meters (such as the PPL23GT or the PPH23GTA ), consist of meter and keypad in one. This meter is the best choice when looking for low cost with maximum efficiency. It is also most common on retrofit buildings. It has tamper detection and we provide security seals with every meter. This meter is not suited for high tamper risk, an electrician may have to visit units to check if the meter was tampered on software warnings. That said, if cost is an issue, taking the above into consideration, it is a cost effective meter.
Standard Split Wired Meter
Standard split wired meter (such as the PPL44SR). This meter is the number one preference for developers. The meter is easy to install and cost effective when a development is in progress. The meters are installed in a “meter room” or “metering box” while the key pad is installed in the unit/flat. It is also highly preferred in cases of high tampering risk. However, in retrofit buildings installing such meters may be cost prohibitive, due to wiring requirements.
Power Line Communications (PLC) Meters
Power Line Communications Meters – PLC Meters (such as the PPL44PLCT, PPH44SPA or PPH44SDPA) The PLC Meter is highly preferred in up-market buildings and in very high risk tampering environments. The meter is a split meter, but does not require wiring. The keypad talks to the meter unit through the power line. This meter is highly effective and is easy to install in any situation including existing buildings (retrofit). The PLC meter costs far out weigh the risk of tamper and electrician call outs.
AMI Smart Meters
Smart meters (such as the PPH44SDPA) are normally purchased when Time-of-Use (ToU) tariffs are required. This meter is also used in situations where inputting a 20-digit token into a keypad is very difficult. A good example of such environment is retirement homes. Though Smart Meters are highly desirable for more reasons than we can list here, the downside is cost. These are at the higher end of price scale and also require a data concentrator, which is a prerequisite for the Smart Metering functionality to work.
We do not recommend “common base meters” also known as “passive base meters”, because these are the easiest to bypass and tamper with.
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