Enbaya PrePaid Meters

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Cancellation Policy

When you are first onboarded with Enbaya we don’t make you sign a contract because we don’t believe in restricting our customers.  Since we don’t lock you into a contract, we have this cancellation policy in place for both of our protection.

We are confident that our services will meet our agreed standard and should we not meet this standard, you have every right to leave the service.

We only request that you give our team the chance to rectify any inadequacies. In the event that you do leave our services, but wish to return, we’ll welcome you with open arms. This is the benefit of not having a contract


There will be a fixed cancellation fee per meter.

Although we do not contract you to our services at the time of onboarding, by joining our company you have agreed to our T&C’s stating that there will be a cancellation fee for tokens generated.

We recommend that you plan a month in advance for your Key Change tokens from your old & new supplier. This gives both suppliers adequate time for better change over.

We have an online training portal that our customers can make use of at any given time. The training enables our customers to make better use of our system and maximise the use of all of the features and functionality.

Benefits Include:

  • Reduction of administrative tasks
  • Improvement in decision making
  • More transparency throughout your portfolio

A KCT is short for a Key Change Token. When moving between services providers there are 4 Key Change Tokens.

2 Tokens are supplied by your old vendor resulting in the removal of old SGC code. (ie. Default & unable to vend on any system) 

The other 2 tokens are supplied by your new vendor applying the new SGC to the meter. Your meter can now vend on the new vendors system

STS stands for “The Standard Transfer Specification”. The STS association is a globally recognised standard for prepayment systems ensuring operability between systems compenents from different manufacturers.

Enbaya is a licensee Member of the STS Association. In this regard we comply with any requests for key changes according to the STS code of Conduct

SGC Stands for Supplier Group Code. This is aunique code used to identify prepaid vendors.

The code is registered onto the meters which will enable the meters to vend with the specific supplier.

17.1 We will not key change any meters that have NOT been registered and vending on our vending system for at least 1 (one) month.

17.2 We reserve the right to charge a fee for KCT tokens.

17.3 We do not sell any prepaid meters for any purpose other than for the purpose of vending utilities on our vending system.

17.4 Purchases made for purposes of vending on any other system are considered fraudulent purchases and will not be refunded and the meters will not be key-changed.

17.5 For customers that have purchased and are vending on Enbaya vending system and wish to change vendors, key changes will be provided under the following conditions:

17.5.1 Customer account is fully settled.

17.5.2 A formal written request is received by the rightful registered meter owner.

17.5.3 The key change request MUST be to a sub-metering STS Association Licensee with valid membership and that has and operates under its’ own SGC (Supplier Group Code).

17.6 Bypassing any of the above requirements goes against the STS Association guidelines and code of conduct. In such cases, we reserve the right to take action for remedies against you involved to the full extent of the STS Code of Conduct and permitted in law.